

All I have been giving is today the present to be grateful for that I am still alive and able to think clearly.

My clarity was fogged by the shifting tides of reflection from the past desires that were swept away by dreams of my amazing creative imagination.

Up date on my physical stage 4 cancer management without prescribed medications from my team of doctors in the Wayne Memorial Community Health Centers.

Together with my own health care insurance policy from Penn Treaty and my family and friends I manage to live in the present as it unfolds until my last breath.

About Michele Wendy Weinstein / Schuchman /aka Grandma Michele

View Website for Profile of Michele Wendy Weinstein/Schuchman/aka Grandma Michele and take time to be entertained with the Michele W.Weinstein's video legacy
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2 Responses to Management

  1. winnoka nelson says:

    How are you doing Michele?
    I hope your happy & not overdoing!?!


    • The universe is the divine source of energy I am tapped into now. It is not good or bad and it has no drama or expectations of what I do or do not do. My free will and choices are connected to my brain navigation frequency I choice to turn on or off as It benefits my existence. I met a man named Sunny at my PT last Thursday. His 76 birthday is today 2/25/2019 and he has a very sick dog named Sasha. i told him that Sasha and him would benefit healing each other’s pain by being together on his lap as he visited his doctors and PT. I told Sunny about you Winnoka Nelson of your great lose and love from your dog with the same name “Sasha” and that compelled me to reply today. I have caregivers 5 days a week at my home that my insurance is paying. I don’t call my friends and talk on the cell. My time now is all about me,myself and I . The 3 are writing a book I will self-publish by my next birthday 6/18/2019 and available on Amazon.


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